(ref) is used to access any provider in our codebase (as long as we import the corresponding file). This is done by design because all Riverpod providers are global.
Definition of providers:
final idProvider = StateProvider<String>((ref) => '-'); final SwitchProvider = StateProvider<bool>((ref) => Auth.switchOn); final profileProvider = FutureProvider.autoDispose<List>( (ref) => getProfile(id: ref.read(idProvider)), );
Wait for data from a FutureProvider:
List profile = await ref.read(profileProvider.future);
Listen to a provider:
ref.listen<bool>(switchProvider, (var previousvalue, var newvalue) { print('The switch changed from $previousvalue to $newvalue'); });
Update the state of the provider with a new value:
StateController<int> counter = ref.read(counterProvider.notifier); counter.state++, ref.read(switchProvider.notifier).state = value
Watch in widget:
ref.watch(profileProvider).when( data: (data) => showProfiles(data), error: (e, stack) => Text(e.toString()), loading: () => const Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator(), ), ),
Reset provider:
Consumer structure:
Consumer( builder: (BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref, Widget? _) { return Widget_with_access_to_context_and_ref; } )